If you are in need of updated USCA Insurance Forms please contact Joan Theiss jktheiss@outlook.com
The Insurance Program has been renewed for 2023-2024. There are no changes to the premium rates that are listed on the 2022 forms. Until the 2023 forms can be prepared, you may use the 2022-2023 forms that are on the website. However, please send the forms to the new address below. Forms mailed to Seattle will not be forwarded.
Please send all insurance request forms to the following address:
NFP Property & Casualty
Attn: Brandi Hallum, USCA Insurance Administrator
1371 Hecla Drive, Suite E
Louisville, CO 80027
Brandi’s contact information remained the same. Phone: 206-535-6332. Email: brandi.hallum@nfp.com
The USCA supports the precautions that local, state, and federal government agencies recommend regarding COVID-19 mitigation and expects all events to comply with the restrictions in their area as long as these precautions are in effect.
Event Sanctioning and Insurance
Following the 55th Annual USCA Meeting, the insurance policy renewal proposal for the USCA Insurance Program was sent to the USCA Executive Committee on 1/21/2022. The policies were reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee. Due to an increase in the premium rates for the general liability coverage by the carrier, the Executive Committee also approved an increase in premium rates to the event organizers for the next policy period of 2/15/2022 to 2/15/2023. The renewal policy includes coverage for general liability, participant accident, hired & non-owned auto endorsement and umbrella policies.
The insurance agency and the Executive Committee realized that without liability insurance USCA event organizers would not be able to hold their events. Hopefully in the future, the insurance market will improve and the expense for insurance will be reduced. Until then, we do appreciate your continued support of the USCA Insurance Program.
The USCA Insurance Program is available for canoe, kayak, stand-up paddleboard, and outrigger canoe races and sprints. Insurance provides important protection and peace of mind for event organizers. Workshops, on-the-water demonstrations, canoe and kayak cruises and FreeStyle Canoeing Symposia and other events are non-competitive events covered by this program.
USCA continues to insure the Instructor Certification programs as well as classes held by USCA Certified Canoe/Kayak/SUP Trainers and/or Instructors. Current USCA members who are Certified Instructors or Trainers may obtain the USCA Insurance Request forms from Tracy Hunt at tracyhunt077@gmail.com or phone 630-329-4669 for more information.
The USCA Insurance Program continues to be underwritten by the K&K Insurance Group | Sports Division. USCA continues to partner with NFP Property & Casual (aka Specialty Insurance Consultants, LLC) to administer the USCA Insurance Program. The USCA Program Account Manager works directly with the USCA event organizers for all their insurance needs with oversight by USCA officials. The insurance coverage includes General Liability coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence with $2,000,000 per occurrence of Excess Liability coverage. The General Aggregate is $3,000,000 per event.
The USCA also provides an insurance program for USCA Affiliated Clubs who want to have an Annual Liability Insurance coverage for their club’s activities. This liability insurance program is for canoe clubs, kayak clubs and outrigger canoe clubs. The USCA’s program permits member clubs to get year round insurance for all of their activities off and on the water including training, practices related to canoeing and kayaking and ancillary activities related to the operations of the club. Download the Year Round Insurance Packet to request this insurance coverage. The club must have current USCA Affiliated Club membership.
To access the USCA Event Insurance Program, you must be a current USCA Race Sponsor, Affiliated Club or Business Affiliate. Your 2022 USCA member number will be verified before you can access the program. If you are not a current member, see Step #3 below. All insurance requests must arrive at the office of the USCA Program Administrator no less than four (4) weeks prior to the event or five (5) weeks if you have never held a sanctioned race or cruise before.
PLEASE NOTE: The 2022/2023 Sanctioning and Insurance Forms are now updated to reflect the new 2022 rates. The standard PDF forms are available to download. The 2022/2023 “FILLABLE” PDF forms will be available soon.
Please DOWNLOAD the appropriate 2022/2023 Insurance Packet for your needs and SAVE THE FILE IN YOUR COMPUTER for easy reference.
Download 2022/2022 USCA Event Insurance Packet – Includes FreeStyle Symposiums (updated 2/14/22)
Download 2022/2023 USCA Club Year Round Insurance Packet (updated 2/14/22)
USCA offers insurance coverage for 5 types of Canoe & Kayak and other paddle sport events:
• Racing (Competition) Events;
• Cruising (Non-competition) Events;• Racing (Competition) Events;
• FreeStyle Symposia (Non-competition) Events;
• Practice/Training Workshops (Non-competition) Events; and Clinics (Non-competition) Events;
• On-the-Water Demonstration (Non-competition) Events.
Step 1: Download the entire Event Insurance Packet for 2022/2023. Please read the Sanctioning Requirements for your specific type of event as they are very important. You will need to print out and display these requirements at your event site. You must adhere to the safety rules. USCA has tried to make these insurance request forms as simple as possible and include the necessary information needed. Review PAGE 8 and follow the Insurance Program Checklist!
Step 2: Fill in and send only the TWO pages of the INSURANCE REQUEST forms you need. The PDF forms are interactive. Fill in online, print, sign and mail the completed forms to the USCA Program Account Manager at the address at the bottom of the request form with a check made payable to USCA. All Forms must arrive no less than four (4) weeks prior to your event. All new events must arrive at the agency no less than five (5) weeks to be reviewed and sanctioned (approved) as USCA Sanctioned by the USCA Advisor. If you have any insurance questions or need assistance, please contact the Insurance Program Account Manager, Brandi Hallum. Email: Brandi.Hallum@nfp.com or phone: (206) 535-6332.
NOTE: Currently, mail can take at least 7-10 days from the eastern states and the mid-west to arrive in Seattle, WA where the insurance office is located. If the insurance request arrives less than four (4) weeks prior to the event, certificates may not be issued in time for your event. Please plan ahead.
Step 3: You must be a current USCA member with the correct type of USCA membership (listed below) in order to apply for USCA event insurance. Ensure that you have the right type of USCA membership for the event. Membership categories that can sponsor an insured event are as follows:
A Race Sponsor membership entitles you to apply for RACES (Competition) or CRUISES (Non-Competition) as Sanctioned Events.
An Affiliated Club membership entitles you to apply for RACES, or CRUISES or PRACTICE/ TRAINING or Clinics as Sanctioned Events (Required for the Annual Club Liability Insurance). FreeStyle Symposia are conducted by members of the Affiliated Club.
A Business Affiliate membership entitles you to apply for CRUISES, CLINICS or ON-THE-WATER DEMONSTRATIONS (non-competition) as Sanctioned Events
Not a current member? – Click here to join
Step 4: The Insurance Program Account Manager will send the insurance certificate(s), the waiver/release form and other information to approved event organizers. After the event, completed USCA WAIVER FORMS must be mailed to the Insurance Program Account Manager within fourteen (14) days after your event, with any additional fees, if applicable. The USCA Insurance Program covers those athletic participants who have signed the USCA WAIVER/RELEASE FORM which has been RETURNED to the USCA Insurance Program Account Manager.
You may obtain an ADDITIONAL INSURED certificate(s) up to four (4) weeks prior to your event, please see the appropriate pages for details and pricing. Some public parks, boat landings, etc. are now requiring an Additional Insured certificate before permits can be issued for your event. Send the request and appropriate administrative fee with your insurance requests to the USCA Insurance Program Account Manager. If not sent with the insurance request, please provide sufficient information to identify your event when you send the form to the Insurance Program Account Manager.
Please read and fill out the material carefully. USCA wants to sanction your event and have you insured properly.
Please note, the waiver forms for 2022/2023 have been revised to cover the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Do not use any waiver forms from previous years. Also, the Insurance Program Account Manager will send this form to you with the certificate(s). The waiver forms are not posted on the website or contained in the insurance packets.
Thank you for your support of the USCA and the USCA Insurance Program.